Star Chart for PC

Star Chart for PC

The magical augmented reality star gazing and astronomy app.

Star Chart PC Details

AuthorEscapist Games Limited
Star Chart PC screenshot

Explore the Universe with Star Chart

Are you fascinated by the stars and planets? Do you want to learn more about the celestial bodies that surround us? Look no further than Star Chart, the perfect app for beginners and experienced stargazers alike. With its user-friendly interface and impressive features, Star Chart is your gateway to the universe.

Discover Moving Objects in the Sky

One of the most intriguing features of Star Chart is its ability to track moving objects in the night sky. Whether it's a star in motion or a passing satellite, Star Chart will help you identify and understand these celestial phenomena. It's like having your own personal planetarium in the palm of your hand.

Fixes and Updates for a Smooth Experience

While some users have experienced occasional crashes, the developers of Star Chart are quick to address these issues. With regular updates and fixes, you can rest assured that any bugs or glitches will be resolved promptly. The team behind Star Chart is dedicated to providing a seamless and enjoyable experience for all users.

Unleash Your Inner Astronomer

Star Chart is not just a simple stargazing app. It's a comprehensive tool that allows you to explore and learn about the universe. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced astronomer, Star Chart has something to offer. From identifying celestial bodies to tracking meteor showers and comets, this app has it all.

Impressive Graphics and Features

One of the standout features of Star Chart is its stunning graphics. The app provides a visually immersive experience, making you feel like you're actually looking up at the night sky. Even without purchasing any upgrades, Star Chart offers cool information and a wealth of knowledge about the stars and planets.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use Star Chart during the day?

Yes, Star Chart can be used both during the day and at night. Whether you want to explore the sky in daylight or gaze at the stars after sunset, Star Chart has you covered.

2. Does Star Chart work offline?

Star Chart requires an internet connection to access its extensive database of celestial bodies. However, once you've loaded the necessary data, you can use the app offline to explore the stars and planets.

3. Is Star Chart available for Android and iOS?

Yes, Star Chart is available for both Android and iOS devices. Whether you have a smartphone or a tablet, you can download and enjoy the app on your preferred platform.

4. Can I customize my location in Star Chart?

Absolutely! Star Chart allows you to input your own coordinates, enabling you to simulate the view of the night sky from any location on Earth. This feature is particularly useful for planning stargazing sessions or exploring different celestial events.

5. Is Star Chart suitable for beginners?

Yes, Star Chart is perfect for beginners who are just starting their journey into astronomy. The app's intuitive interface and informative features make it easy to learn and understand the wonders of the universe.

So why wait? Download Star Chart today and embark on a captivating journey through the cosmos. Whether you're a casual stargazer or a seasoned astronomer, this app will undoubtedly enhance your stargazing experience. Happy exploring!

Star Chart in Action

How to Install Star Chart on PC

Below instructions allows you to download and install Star Chart app on Windows or MAC computer using an Android emulator. The process involves:

Download APK:

Downloading the Star Chart APK file by choosing a version.

Install Android Emulator:

There are a number of Android emulators the internet. Choose a emulator that works better with your PC. Now, download and install the Android emulator software.

Run the Emulator:

Open the emulator you have just installed and configure the settings such as display, keywords, mouse etc.

Install Gene:

Open the downloaded Star Chart APK file using the emulator, which will install Star Chart on Windows or MAC.